Pet Dental Surgery at Dames Point Animal Hospital in Jacksonville, FL

Ensure your pet’s oral health and comfort with advanced dental surgery at Dames Point Animal Hospital. Our experienced veterinary team provides comprehensive care for a variety of dental issues.

Comprehensive Pet Dental Surgery

At Dames Point Animal Hospital, our experienced veterinary team is dedicated to providing top-quality pet dental surgery services to keep your furry friend’s smile healthy when they require extra care.

Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of dental surgeries, ensuring your pet receives the best possible care for their oral health needs. Whether your pet requires a tooth extraction, treatment for an abscess, or surgery to remove oral tumors, we are here to provide the expert care they need in a comfortable and supportive environment.

A lady examining a dog's teeth

When Is Pet Dental Surgery Necessary?

While regular cleanings are essential, some conditions may require pet dental surgery. Common issues that necessitate surgery include broken or missing teeth, tooth abscesses, cyst or tumor removal, broken jaws, and palate defects. These issues are typically identified during a thorough dental exam.

Dames Point Animal Hospital strives to provide dental services in a calming and caring environment. We use general anesthesia to ensure your pet remains calm and relaxed during cleanings and surgeries. This allows our veterinary team to comprehensively examine your pet’s mouth, teeth, and gums. Our digital dental X-ray unit provides detailed images of your pet’s oral cavity, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Comprehensive Pet Dental Care Services

  • Professional Pet Teeth Cleanings: We offer professional pet teeth cleanings to remove tartar and plaque buildup, reducing the risk of gum disease, cavities, and other dental issues. Our skilled veterinarian uses advanced techniques to ensure thorough cleaning while minimizing discomfort for your pet. Regular cleanings are recommended to maintain your pet’s oral health and prevent future dental problems.
  • Digital Dental X-rays: In addition to cleanings, we provide digital dental X-rays to assess your pet’s dental health more comprehensively. These X-rays allow us to identify potential dental issues, such as hidden cavities, tumors, or other abnormalities, that may not be visible during a routine exam. With digital X-rays, we can diagnose and treat dental problems with precision and accuracy.
  • Tooth Extractions: If your pet has a damaged or decayed tooth, extraction may be necessary to prevent further complications. Our veterinarian performs tooth extractions with care, ensuring your pet’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  • Oral Tumor and Cyst Removal: If your pet develops an oral tumor or cyst, surgical removal is often required. Our experienced team is equipped to handle these procedures, providing the necessary care to restore your pet’s oral health.
  • Jaw Fracture Repair: Jaw fractures can occur due to trauma or underlying dental issues. Our veterinary team is skilled in repairing jaw fractures, ensuring your pet receives the best possible care to recover fully.

Preparing for Pet Dental Surgery

Before any dental surgery, we conduct a thorough pre-operative assessment to ensure your pet’s safety. This includes a physical examination, blood tests, and any necessary imaging. We provide detailed instructions on preparing your pet for surgery, including fasting requirements and what to expect on the day of the procedure.

During the surgery, our team monitors your pet closely to ensure their well-being. Post-operative care is crucial for a smooth recovery, and we offer comprehensive aftercare instructions, including pain management, diet recommendations, and follow-up appointments.

Signs Your Pet Needs Dental Care

Recognizing the signs of dental issues early on can prevent more severe problems. Look out for the following symptoms:

  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Difficulty chewing or dropping food
  • Bleeding or swollen gums
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Pawing at the mouth

If you notice any of these signs, schedule a dental check-up with our team to assess and address your pet’s dental health.

Veterinary Services

Advanced Pet Surgical Procedures


Feline Vaccinations

Pet Allergies and Dermatology

Pet Boarding

Pet Dental Care

Pet Dental Surgery

Pet Diagnostic Testing

Pet Digital X-Ray

Pet Nutrition and Weight Management

Pet Preventative Care

Pet Spay And Neuter

Pet Surgery

Pet Therapeutic Laser

Pet Wellness Exams